- If you are a new visitor to our Website, please, complete your sign up/ registration right now & create your own User Name & password to purchase products.
- To buy your selected product, please, click over the image of that product, go to the Product Description Page & again click on the “Order now” button.
- If you want to purchase more than one product, please, click on “Add to Cart” button and order all your selected items at a time.
- If you already have got an account in, please, sign-in/ log-in with your User name & password.
- Please, provide authentic information in “Delivery & Payment Process” section; accurate information will accelerate the delivery of your product.
- To go to the next step, please, click on “Next Step” button.
- Go to next step & check the summary of your order again
- If everything is alright, confirm your order.
- Our agent will contact you in 24 hours.
- For any kind of information, please, call at 01958067157 from (10:00 am - 8:00 pm).
- You can also order directly over phone; please, call at 01958067157 from (10:00 am - 8:00 pm) to order.